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Infared LED Light Therapy

Silent (for my fearful patients) LED light therapy that uses both red and infrared light in a precise measured dose for highly effective treatment.

Effective dosages of healing light for the treatment of many chronic pain and inflammatory conditions.

It stimulates healing, relieves pain, reduces swelling and inflammation, calms muscle spasms, and increases the blood and lymph vessel diameter, for better circulation and clearing of waste products.


Fee based on treatment needed.  Please text or email for a quote.


**All fees listed are based on cooperative patients.  If your pet requires extra time, additional handling fees may incur. 

**Trip charge not included


Miso getting Light Therapy

                        Effectively Treats

Skin Conditions                     Tendonitis

Chronic Pain                          Splints/Over use injuries

Inflammation                          Edema

Wounds/Lacerations             Hematomas

Abscesses                             Muscle Injuries

Bruising                                  Muscle spasms

Skin allergies                         Mastitis

Arthritis                                  Post-op incisions


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